Spotify and Netflix transport fans to The Upside Down with ‘Stranger Things’ immersive experience


Spotify, together with Netflix, has created an interactive experience for fans, where they can discover which Stranger Things character they have the most in common with based on their listening habits and musical preference.

To craft these character playlists, Spotify and Netflix created musical profiles that bring to life 13 of the lead characters from the show. From there, Spotify matches those profiles with your listening habits to find your Stranger Things character. When you share your Stranger Things character match playlist, the screen will rotate and bring you to The Upside Down!

Will you be draping your Halloween lights around your home as you listen to spooky ’80s tracks like Joyce? Will you start your day off with some breakfast morning jams like Eleven? Or will you find out you’re a perfect match for the Demogorgon?

Discover if you match with Eleven, Dustin, or other Stranger Things characters by visiting


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