Windows 11 is officially here, will be available as free upgrade

Windows 11 is officially here, will be available as free upgrade

Microsoft has unveiled the next iteration of their flagship operating system that’s simply called Windows 11. It features softer edges, new themes, and improved useability for all users.

The Windows icon and its default cluster is now in the center of the taskbar making it similar to the dock of macOS. But the windows themselves are a bit more transparent and somehow reminds me of the Windows Vista aesthetic. This is more apparent with the different default themes available. 

Function-wise there are now Snap Layouts, Snap Groups, and Desktops. The Snaps divides the single screen into segments easier than with Windows 10. This is beneficial to the growing trend of PC users opting for a single wide screen as opposed to multiple monitors. 

Desktops on the other hand is a play from the macOS again. It enables you to swipe between multiple ‘desktops’ so you don’t have to minimize or close certain windows. Ironically, this feature won’t be used as much with desktop users but for those on laptops this is a big productivity boost. 

Meanwhile, the Microsoft App Store will now begin showing Android apps via Amazon Appstore. This means you can post or use Android apps right on your PC. It is unsure how this will work out for countries like the Philippines who are not reliant on Amazon’s service.  

Apart from laptops and desktops, Windows 11 is also optimized for mobile processors and platforms. This means tablets or hybrid laptops will also have improved utilization via voice, touch, and pen. 
Go to the Windows 11 page and download the PC Health Check app to see if your computer is eligible for the free upgrade. I’m telling you now if your Windows 10 is not legit, you will not receive Windows 11, but Microsoft is saying that you’ll still get safety updates.


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