OPPO tightens in-store hygienic measures to safely serve customers

OPPO tightens in-store hygienic measures to safely serve customers

In light of the rising COVID-19 cases in the APAC region, OPPO has taken immediate precautions by putting customers in the center of its plans. With immediate effect, local retail operations are going to enhance infection preventive measures within all its stores.

It has taken measures to protect the health of its employees and customers. For select stores nationwide that are still operational as of this ongoing Luzon-wide enhanced community quarantine, OPPO has ensured that all retail staff are equipped with surgical masks with their temperatures monitored frequently, all OPPO Experience Stores and its demonstration units undergo sanitation at least twice a day with hospital-grade cleaner, and alcohol-based hand sanitizers are also freely available for everyone entering the stores.

Last February 2020, OPPO Philippines also handed out free face masks through its concept stores nationwide to help protect them against the threat of the COVID-19 virus.


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